Water Wells+ in Burkina Faso - a Severin Family fundraising project
1. Fundraising - Our hands have been busy making goods (soap, jewelry, lip balm, scrunchies, etc.) to give as donation thank you gifts, and to sell!
2. Sacrificial Giving - Our family will be foregoing Christmas gifts this year as our contribution to this initiative. What began as a difficult conversation with our girls, trying to encourage buy-in while accepting that there won't be any presents under the tree on Christmas morning, has now transformed! Our family is excited and enthusiastic about taking on this project, knowing how little efforts such as this can make a big difference in someone else's life.
3. Educating - We are learning a TON about Burkina Faso and the various, urgent needs relating to water, sanitation, and hygiene, and we are looking forward to opportunities to educate our local community about our findings.
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